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Based in the UK, Steel Peaks has a wealth of knowledge and experience within the rope access industry, specialising in construction and maintenance.
We operate across the UK, providing affordable working at height solutions within the urban and industrial working environments.
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Industrial abseiling is a safe and economical alternative to conventional access methods for carrying out cleaning, maintenance, and restoration of building facades and other external elements. There is no need for scaffolding to carry out repairs and maintenance. Services and works are often completed in the time it takes for scaffolding to be erected.
Why choose industrial abseiling for your building?
Industrial abseiling allows technicians to descend to normally inaccessible places where it is impossible to reach by alternative methods, for example, ventilation ducts, downpipes & guttering.
Almost all buildings can be accessed using rope access techniques. Experienced IRATA technicians use various methods and equipment to access all types of buildings.
Works include cleaning, glazing installation, brick & masonry restoration, pest control, conditional surveys, decoration & repairs.
Industrial abseiling follows the IRATA safety guidelines. All technicians are IRATA trained and certified.
A cost-effective option
We use less equipment and manpower compared to scaffolding. This is far more cost-effective and time-efficient.
The urban environment offers any number of opportunities where rope access can be utilised.
Locations such as buildings, monuments and bridges all need maintenance, repair, construction or surveying.
Scaffold, elevated platform or even ladders may not be practicable or cost effective.
Industrial environments have many inaccessible locations where conventional means of access may be too intrusive or disruptive to the day-to-day working operations.
Steel Peaks can provide access solutions and equipment for companies and their personnel wishing to undertake works in these areas along with site and height safety supervision if required.
Steel Peaks provide a wide range of services:
Steel Peaks Contractor provide IRATA-trained and qualified personnel - Industrial abseilers within the construction, building maintenance, and oil and gas industries.
We have provided personnel to carry out renovation, restoration, maintenance, and surveys to historic structures, buildings and monuments.
We have also carried out a large number of jobs on modern innovative buildings with methods of construction and materials not seen or used widely before.
Our offshore oil and gas contracts have seen us rigging and supervising work scopes that include carrying out electrical, insulation and blasting/ painting works to many, otherwise inaccessible locations.
If you have any enquires about possible projects, or need any assistance in our field of work we would be more than happy to help!
Number: 07791 396899
Office: 01780 592105
Unit 4, Ketton Business EstatePit Lane, RutlandStamford, PE9 3SZ
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Steel Peaks has worked in many industries and we have provided secure, safety driven rope access to projects and constructions around the UK. Please find below two case studies that detail the work that we go through to ensure we provide you with the best service we can.
Steel Peaks Ltd holds combined liability insurance for high-level cleaning operations.
We are qualified IRATA rope access technicians and operate in accordance with the IRATA code of practice and BS 7985: Code of practice for the use of rope access methods for industrial purposes.
Registered number: 9292190